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Babraham Neighbourhood Planning


Three new reports completed for the Neighbourhood Plan:

Parish-wide Design Guide provides guidelines to make sure that any new or re-development is in keeping with the village in terms of materials, style, size, structure and aesthetic.


The Masterplanning Study for The Close provides high-level options and strong community input for the types of housing, amenities and natural spaces that could be included in any redevelopment in The Close, Babraham.


The Landscape Appraisal is an assessment of which natural landscape features makes Babraham special, and how to protect these features in the context of any future development.


To view these reports, please visit our Resources page.

Who is this site for?

Anyone interested in the development of Babraham's Neighbourhood Plan.  You can find out what's going on with the process, how you can get involved, and how to find information gathered so far. 


What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

A neighbourhood plan gives communities direct power to shape the development and growth of their local area.  Once adopted, the Babraham Neighbourhood Plan will become part of the statutory development planning alongside the Greater Cambridge Local Plan, and will have full weight in the determination of planning applications. 

The planning process: see the timeline of past and future steps

Neighbourhood Plan 
Evidence base 

We continue to gather information to help us develop the NP policies.  See our Resources page...  

Babraham Neighbourhood Plan Area

The designated area for the Babraham Neighbourhood Plan is the Parish boundary

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